The Club
El Gouna Egypt "Ghiannis D"
The school Home The Club Contact In the Blue - Diving club - Nyon - Switzerland - Tél : 076 336 89 79
In the blue divers is a club for divers and non-divers alike. It welcomes people of all ages, nationalities and walks of life. The common denominator among its members is a love of nature, animals and the aquatic world, even if some members are not scuba divers. However, most members are divers or wanting to become divers. The club welcomes divers with internationally recognized certifications, for example from PADI, CMAS, BSAC, NAUI, IANTD and SSI. Certified divers who wish to continue their diving education with In the blue divers will be asked to perform a few basic skills to ensure that they fulfil the criteria for safe diving. Membership, which includes at least two annual get-togethers and a lake clean-up day is free of charge and automatic for anyone who has dived with us (unless otherwise indicated by them). We do occasionally ask our members to contribute in kind by for example, helping us to pick up tanks and gear, preparing a food dish for one of our parties or bring something to a BBQ. We also organize club trips and provide advice to individual travelers upon request. If you need any assistance in this regard, email us and we will do our best to respond.
Located in Nyon